What We Believe

We believe that the world is created, ordered and enlivened by the one God, whose truest expression is self-giving love. God is beyond our understanding, but we believe that God's person, character and will is revealed in Jesus Christ. He is fully God and fully human, and lived and died to restore our relationship with God and open the way for God to renew and restore creation and the human family. God has called us as partners in this ministry of reconciliation. We believe that God is present, creative, and active as a Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Anglican expression of Christian faith brings together people with a wide range of theological foundations, viewpoints, cultural backgrounds, and styles of worship. We wrestle with questions of faith and doctrine in conversation with the Bible, Christian tradition from the earliest days to the present, and the wider church, looking to the Holy Spirit to lead us forward. We value the work of scientists and scholars who uncover and teach us about the amazing world God made. We believe that God gave us minds to create, innovate, and discern, and we will never ask you to park your brain at the door. You will find women, men, and 2SLGBTQ+ people participating fully in leadership, sacraments, and worship in Anglican Churches. Our worship can provide a supportive environment for people with neurodiversities. We are neither Catholic nor Protestant, and we are both. If you have experience with worship in Roman Catholic or Lutheran churches, you will find our prayers and liturgy familiar.

We are part of the Communion of Saints, followers of Jesus across time and space. Our worship gathers ancient and modern prayers, music and devotional practices. These are designed to soak our lives in the Bible, the presence of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the life of Jesus as we participate with God to bring wholeness to our lives and our communities. We are part of a larger group of churches called the Anglican Communion, which spans the globe.

Like all faiths, we have baggage. Our colonial and imperial roots have caused pain and trauma with which we are only beginning to come to terms. One of our most important areas of focus is working through sin and suffering related to our role in Indian Residential Schools and their ongoing generational effects. We are grateful for those who bear witness to this work in their lives and families. 

We believe that God's ongoing presence brings grace, transforms suffering, reconciles relationships, works toward justice, and grounds us in God's love. Join us in the adventure of faith.


Frequently Asked Questions